No Follow Ups: Cody Ritchie
There’s no doubt the East Coast seems to pump out a ton of amazing bands and artists, along with some of the Pop Punk greats. One band on the rise is a trio from Philadelphia, New Jersey (joke) called Goalkeeper.
Within the last couple of years they have graced us with a phenomenal EP, released their debut LP and have hit the road on more tours than I can now keep track of. Now if you've never been to a GK show, they are always rocking, but when you do see them you’ll notice a center detail that you just can’t ignore… their drummer Cody Ritchie.
While the trio is always bringing the energy and putting on performances that honk, there’s doubt the showmanship award goes to their drummer boi.
Cody grew up in Salem, NJ and started playing drums at an early age. Before Goalkeeper, he was in a band called Hansford and then eventually the power of 3 could no longer be ignored and he, Marc and Ryan became pong partners for life.
Growing up listening to musical influences like Relient K, The Wonder Years, Transit and Billy Joel, there's no doubt Cody definitely helps bring that big shot energy, lyricism and sound to the band.
At the moment, GK is on the road doing some rocking, but Cody was kind enough to partake in a game of 20 Questions. Enjoy his top tier answers below!
What age did you start playing drums? I started playing drums when I was in 3rd grade - so around 9 years old!
Was Goalkeeper your first band? Goalkeeper was NOT my first band! The first band I played in was Click Saves Today. We never played a show, but we ALMOST played the school talent show once. That’s gotta count for something!
What band could you not live without listening to? I think The Wonder Years would be that band for me! There are a few close seconds for sure though.
Who was your celebrity crush as a teen? As a teen, my celebrity crush went back and forth between Mila Kunis & Natalie Portman.
Celebrity crush as a grown ass adult? As a grown ass adult, not a damn thing has changed.
Favorite Taylor Swift song? After much thought, I’ve narrowed my favorite T Swift song to Enchanted. I will not be taking follow up questions on this thank you.
Favorite Hot Mulligan album? After even MORE thought, I’d probably say Pilot is my favorite Mully record. However, with that new album on the way I could see a change happening soon.
Which Goalkeeper song are you most proud of? The GK song I’m most proud of would be Talk About. One of those songs that kind of just happened & feels undeniable when we play it live. Also feels like the kind of development I’ve wanted to feel gk make in our song writing.
Best pong partner? As long as you pick either Marc or Ryan for pong, you’ll have a great partner. They were both frat stars in college so they’ve got plenty of practice. They are the knights of the pong table, and I’m a peasant.
Best thing to eat from Wawa? I can’t tell you what the BEST thing to get from Wawa is, but I can tell you my go to is 100% a classic ham & cheese hoagie with honey mustard, lettuce, and cucumbers. I also will be taking zero questions on this answer as well.
Is it true gingers have no souls? If you’ve ever seen GK live, you KNOW that this ginger definitely has the most soul in the band!
Coolest venue you've played at? The coolest venue we’ve played would have to be between The Vanguard (Tulsa, OK), The Recher (Towson, MD) & The Foundry (Philly, PA)! I’ll take one of those any day of the week!
Tom DeLonge or Matt Skiba? Tom DeLonge! Not to say that the Matt era was bad, but I mean… c’mon, it’s Tom DeLonge.
Do aliens exist? Aliens do exist and my proof is Marc Juliano. He doesn’t have a belly button - ask him.
Favorite Goalkeeper song to play live? My current favorite GK song to play live is a tie between Car Wreck & I’ll Go With You! Both songs have so much energy and I couldn’t be happier with the grooves that I wrote for those songs.
Who do you love more, Marc or Ryan? I could never pick between my two band dads! So I’ll pick Bill (our photographer) instead!
Who is your favorite TMNT? Michelangelo is the obvious choice because we’re both pop punk pieces of trash, but for some reason I feel like Donatello & I would vibe easily. Probably share a zodiac sign or something.
Favorite pizza topping? Bacon is the greatest thing to put on a pizza besides ranch dressing.
What would you say your spirit animal is? I had to ask the GK team, and the general consensus says that I radiate spider monkey energy. Take what you will from that.
Dream band to tour with? This might be obvious, but THE dream band is The Wonder Years. But if I had to build the perfect tour, it’d be GK, Seaway, Transit (RIP) & The Wonder Years. I know I could die happy after this.
If you can, be sure to catch this talented trio in a city near you on their latest and upcoming tour. Until then, give their tunes a listen, follow, like, share and be sure to try out Cody's Wawa recommendation. Smash the button below to stay up to date on all things Goalkeeper ⬇️
ALL photos taken by: Bill Cardella