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Kristen Hernandez

Wishing, Meeting & Goalkeeping

Today let’s take a trip back to familiar Philly, there we find that talented trio known as Goalkeeper and they have just dropped their first LP, “I Wish I Met You Sooner”. The trio has been releasing music since 2017 and as I often say, with every release they just keep setting the bar higher and higher for themselves and we hear it with this album.

From their days of gut feelings, hoagies and pong partners, these gents have given us an album that not only shows their growth musically, but also personally.

The lyrics are a bit heavier, the tracks have a very Blink- self titled feel throughout its entirety and it seems they even stepped out of their comfort zone for a few tracks.

To record this gem of an album they once again hit up The Gradwell House in NJ and brought in their friend/producer Kevin Mahoney, and of course worked with the legend himself, Nik Bruzzese.

Nik is also featured on the track “Lost Reality”. And boy does he bring all the MOB vibes to it. From start to finish the goalkeeping gents have given us music that we can not only heavily relate to, but also just rock the f*** out to as well.

For some insight into the creation of the album, tour plans and Blink coming, guitarist Marc Juliano was awesome enough to answer a few questions for me. Grab your favorite snack from Wawa and enjoy his interview below!

First off, congratulations on the new album. It’s absolutely fantastic. With that being said, let’s jump right into it. Now you worked with your friend/producer Kevin Mahoney on the record and recorded at The Gradwell House. Can we get some insight on how it was recording at Gradwell again and of course working with Nik Bruzzese? And Is there a reason, other than the obvious fact that Nik and Gradwell are awesome, that you guys went back there to record?

Thank you so much! It was amazing. We had our friend Kevin Mahoney locked in as the producer so we wanted to find a studio that we felt everyone would be as excited about the record as we were. We got a chance to do some writing with Nik and he did our reimagined version of Black & Blue and felt he was the guy to work with us and Kevin. He was so excited about the record and we wanted that energy! Plus, Gradwell has to be one of the best studios we've been to!

When it comes to the song writing process can you give us some insight to what that looks like for you guys?

We usually just show up to our rehearsal space and toss around ideas. A drum beat, riff, lyric idea, anything. We see what we are feeling and what gets us excited. We are very old school in that we don't write behind a computer. Nothing wrong with it, we just need to be in the room together vibing. From there we just pump away until we feel we have challenged ourselves and really feel we brought what was needed for that song. It's such an awesome time getting to write together in a room and us just working together.

Is there a particular song or songs that you guys enjoyed writing/recording most? And is there one in particular that you’re most proud of?

Great question. I think our most creative, and the one we had the most fun working on, was Notice Me because it's such new territory. We've never done anything like that and were honestly nervous if it would come out the way we envisioned and that it would feel genuine to our listeners and ourselves. We were all running around the studio using pianos, crazy effect pedals, etc. Incredibly proud of that song and what we accomplished with it. However, my favorite songs are Car Wreck, Lost Reality, and Talk About. Those I can't wait to play live!

With the album drop, will we be seeing you guys hit the road on a more extensive tour in 2023? Maybe even reaching the West Coast??

Absolutely! We are already planning 2023 and plan on hitting a bunch of new and old places. West Coast is 1000% a goal of ours. Maybe next fall?!

And lastly, with Blink coming, what are your top 5 favorite songs that you hope they play on their upcoming tour??

It's so exciting. For me, I'd love to hear Anthem Part 2, Aliens Exist, Reckless Abandon, Dysentery Gary, and Easy Target.

From start to finish this album is one exciting pop punk roller coaster and it’ll have you wishing that you discovered Goalkeeper sooner. The future is definitely bright for this Philly trio, so keep your eyes and ears on this band and catch them on their current tour with the best from the Midwest, Goldsteps. And as always, please follow, like and share all things Goalkeeper!



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